Law Enforcement Coordination Manager,
US Attorney's Office, Middle District of Florida, Retired
Donna Schulz retired as Law Enforcement Coordination Manager (LECM) for the U.S. Attorney's Office, Middle District of Florida (MDFL) in January 2012. In her capacity as LECM, Ms. Schulz advised the U.S. Attorney and the Department of Justice on law enforcement and community-related issues; worked to improve cooperation and coordination among local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies; served on federal policy and focus groups; coordinated major initiatives, such as Project Safe Neighborhoods, Anti-Gang Initiatives, Weed & Seed, Drug Education for Youth (DEFY), Human Trafficking, Offender Re-entry, and a plethora of other federal initiatives; provided technical assistance and training opportunities for over 300 Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) members in 35 counties; built bridges between law enforcement and the community; offered outreach; and worked with Florida law enforcement leadership in developing a statewide community policing training strategy. Ms. Schulz assured the sharing of information among local, state, and federal task force members; served on the Tampa Bay Regional Domestic Security Task Force (RDSTF); and developed anti-terrorism training for law enforcement in partnership with the RDSTF training team. She is a certified law enforcement instructor and presents regionally and nationally on special programs and matters involving law enforcement and the community.
Ms. Schulz entered the law enforcement profession in 1979 and advanced to police sergeant with the Tallahassee (FL) Police Department. She has experience in Uniform Patrol, Vice & Narcotics, Hit & Run Investigation, and Crime Prevention. She subsequently continued her work in public service as a police officer in Woodward, Oklahoma, and an Oklahoma state investigator. Relocating to Washington, D.C., Ms. Schulz became the Deputy Director of Coalition and State Services for the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) and then accepted a federal position with the U,S. Department of Justice, working with law enforcement and community initiatives across the nation. She has served as an adjunct instructor to the Department of Justice, National Advocacy Center, FBI National Academy, FL Regional Community Policing Institute at St. Petersburg College (RCPI), and numerous colleges.
Ms. Schulz earned her Bachelors and Masters degrees from Florida State University. She is a certified Police Instructor and Crime Prevention Practitioner. Ms. Schulz has worked tirelessly to raise everyone's suicide awareness and she has courageously shared stories of her own tragedy with any audience that would listen. Ms. Schulz has formed partnerships with state and local agencies in the state of Florida and collaborated with the Florida Regional Community Policing Institute to help create a suicide prevention curriculum, toolkit and on-line assistance for any agency that wants to be proactive in this area.
Ms. Schulz plans to continue advocating for awareness on law enforcement wellness and suicide prevention across the country by presenting and instructing on this topic for the Florida RCPI.
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